` Xuanqi Zhang

Xuanqi Zhang (张烜旗)

I am a first-year Master student in Computer Science at the University of Ottawa. My research interest lies in the intersection of Machine Learning and Computer Vision.

Previously, I worked as a Research Assistant with Prof. Y. Cheng . I received my B.E. in Computer Science from the Harbin Institute of Technology Shenzhen in 2023, focusing on Multi-view clustering.

I love playing soccer ⚽, badminton 🏸, Go ⚪⚫ and sketch ✏️ in my free time. I am also open to collaborating with people to explore the possibilities of machine learning and artificial intelligence in various fields.

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  • 01/2024: I start work as a TA in an undergraduate course "DatabaseI CSI2132".
  • 09/2023: I start work as a TA in an advanced undergraduate course "DatabaseII CSI3130".
  • 09/2023: I join University of Ottawa as a thesis-based Master student.
  • 07/2023: I graduate from HIT Shenzhen with Best Bachelor's Thesis Award.
  • 03/2023: Our work on Multiview Clustering is accepted to TKDD.
  • 06/2022: I work ad a RA in Bio-Computing Center, HIT under supervision of Pro.Yongyonchen.
  • 09/2019: I am enrolled as a bachelor student at Harbin Institute of Technology, shenzhen.

Honors and Awards

  • Special Merit Scholarship at University of Ottawa, 2023-2024
  • Best Bachelor's Thesis (top 1/322) at HIT Shenzhen, 2023
  • Undergraduate Academic Scholarship at HIT Shenzhen, 2021
  • Exellent Freshman Scholarship at HIT Shenzhen, 2019

Academic Services

    Journal Reviewer:

    Conference Reviewer:



Dual Completion Learning for Incomplete Multi-view Clustering
Qiangqiang Shen*, Xuanqi Zhang*, Shuqin Wang, Yuanman Li, Yongsheng Liang, Yongyong Chen
under review.

Multi-view Ensemble Clustering via Low-rank and Sparse Decomposition: from Matrix to Tensor
Xuanqi Zhang, Qiangqiang Shen, Yongyong Chen, Guokai Zhang, Zhongyun Hua, Jingyong Su
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD).

* co-first author



My research topics cover multi-view learning, tensor-learning and Computer Vision. I mainly investigate the intersection of traditional model-based method and deep learning-based method for interpretable learning.

Neural Rendering

Under Construction


Selected Coursework

Computer Systems:

  • HIT COMP 3001: Operating System (Prof. Xia Wen)
  • HIT COMP 3010: Database System
  • HIT COMP 3005: Computer Networks
  • MIT 6.S081: Operating System Engineering
  • CMU 15-445: Introduction to Database System
  • MIT 6.824: Distributed Computer System Engineering

Artificial Intelligence:

  • HIT COMP 3006: Introduction to Machine Learning
  • HIT COMP 3009: Introduction to Big Data
  • HIT COMP 322: Natural Language Processing
  • HIT COMP 318: Digital Image Process


  • HIT: Data Structures
  • HIT COMP 3004: Formal Language and Automation Machine
  • HIT COMP 2007: Algorithm Design and Analysis
  • HIT MATH 1003: Advanced Linear Algebra I, II
  • HIT MATH 1002: Mathematical Analysis I, II, III (张彪)
  • HIT COMP 2010: Modern Algebra



The best way to reach me is via email:
xuanqizhang.cn [at] gmail.com (Personal Email)
xzhan576 [at] uottawa.ca (School Email)


Interesting Course Projects

A Master's Thesis Evaluation and Defense Scheduling System

HIT Software Engineering and Practice B

Design code of the back end with Java and SpringBoot framework; helped the administrators in HIT obtain Excel files with scheduling information.

Pipelined CPU system based on RISC-V instruction set

HIT Computer System Design and Practice

Utilizing the five-stage pipeline and the stop-and-go method to build a pipelined CPU system with 50Hz frequency based on with Verilog.

FUSE-based youthful EXT2 file system | HIT

HIT Operating System

Implemented file system operations such as mounting, unmounting, listing all files/directories in a given directory, creating files, creating directories.

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